Green Cleaning Victoria
Hello Victoria! Kyla Kleaning is officially your home for green cleaning services throughout the Greater Victoria Region, including Saanich, Langford and Metchosin!
We are extremely excited about our new and improved website and our commitment to green cleaning in Victoria. We hope you will find everything you need to know about Kyla Kleaning, from our range of services, prices, and helpful cleaning advice. We not only offer residential green cleaning services in Victoria BC but we also clean commercial, retail and industrial properties. As well, just recently Kyla Kleaning has added professional landscaping to its services!
We want our blogs to be useful and brief so we’ll end this post with a helpful green cleaning tip in a segment we like to call “Did you know?”
Did you know, that by adding 4 tablespoons of lemon juice to half a gallon of water it could be used effectively to clean all the windows and mirrors in your home? Who said you needed to go out and buy those expensive ammonia-based cleaners!
Living in Victoria and interested in local or green ways of not only cleaning but living….. stay tuned……